Troubleshooting Conductivity issues with MyoLift

Troubleshooting Conductivity issues with MyoLift - 7E Wellness

"Electrical conductivity is the measure of the amount of electrical current a material can carry or it's ability to carry a current" (ThoughtCo, 2020).

Is your conductivity bar flashing or blinking at you while you're trying to perform a 7E MyoLift microcurrent facial? This is a warning that something isn't quite right and your device is not conducting the current to the facial muscles. No need to panic! There are a few reasons you may not be achieving conductivity. Let's troubleshoot!



better conductivity with 7e myolift treatment gels

One of the quickest solutions to achieving conductivity is adding more conductive treatment gel to the skin. Conductive treatment gel helps reduce the resistance of the skin so the microcurrent can reach the area you want to work on. Our special, dual-action conductive treatment gels are the industry’s first conductive gels with purpose! 7E is the first company to synergize the science of microcurrent machines and technology with the health and well-being of the skin through active products and result oriented treatments! We formulated three unique conductive treatment gels for specific skin types. This creation has bridged the gap in treating the muscles and treating the skin simultaneously with microcurrent therapy. There is something for everyone when it comes to our line of gels. Read more here!

Whether you didn’t apply enough gel or the gel has dried, a simple re-application might just be the trick to a solid conductivity bar.



conductivity with ball tip probes 7e myolift microcurrent facial

Another simple solution to improve conductivity is ensuring your MyoLift applicator probes are completely touching the skin. Try changing the angle of the spheres so that they more fully touch the skin. You may also want to slow your movements down. Microcurrent technology should be performed with slower movements to achieve a better result.



conductivity settings troubleshooting 7e myolift microcurrent facial

Different areas of the face may conduct better with slightly different settings on your MyoLift True Microcurrent machine.

• Are you on Level 2 Erase and working on “thinner” skin? Switch to Level 1 and do eyes, crows feet and above/under lip and see if the conductivity stops blinking. If it does, go ahead and switch back to Level 2 and finish your treatment. 

• You want to use Level 1 Educate on the neck, forehead and under the eyes. You'll want to do this because this area on the face has thinner skin. There are some instances when a person may have a thicker neck and you will be able to use Level 2 Educate. Once again, your conductivity bar will let you know by whether it stays solid or blinks.

A good rule of thumb is to dial down the intensity when working on areas of thinner skin.


DEHYDRATIONconductivity 7e myolift microcurrent facial hydration

If the conductivity gel is drying quickly it may be a sign that you are dehydrated. This will contribute to the conductivity bar blinking. Our recommendation is to make sure you drink plenty of water. Another way to quickly resolve this issue is to spray on our hyaluronic acid solution, RePlenish Spritzer, before putting on the gel. If the gel gets tacky, just spray some Replenish Spritzer to reactivate the gel.